4:32 AM

(Enjoy this lame photo that I edited lol)

Hello! It's Christmas eve eve and I'm here in front of the computer asking (again) for an apology for not posting some stuff. It's just that I get too busy (as always) with school stuff and everything.

Well, I'll just give you a short update about how I was doing and about my blog. Like how it will look like soon and about the things that I will be posting.

Since it's Christmas break and the seventh episode of Star wars has been released, I am trying to watch every episode so that I could catch up when I watch the latest episode. Also, I am trying to finish reading the book called The Selection which I am loving so far. (Please comment any book titles that you thing is good and I might like and I will try to read it.)

Now about my blog, I will be posting about my trip to Boracay most probably after Christmas because we all know that Christmas eve and Christmas day will be a very busy day where we'll have our families and friends around and celebrate yuletide together.
In addition, I was thinking of trying to post poems written by yours truly because I'm kinda into poetry right now and I guess it's nice to share it with people. Right?

Expect that my blog will soon be full of poetry and blog posts about anywhere I travel. (which explains the photo I added)
I will also (or at least try to) be posting about my monthly favorites like my favorite food, song, product, movie etc. of the month.

this will be the end of today's blog and I hope my blog will be better and improve soon! 

All the love, Merry Christmas! x

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